Thankful Homemaker provides truth-filled, gospel-driven encouragement to homemakers who, amid their ordinary days, desire to honor and glorify God in all things.
Our contentment in our homemaking begins with finding our satisfaction in Christ.
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
EP 52: Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life - Introduction
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
We're starting a new series here at the podcast on the spiritual disciplines. Today's episode is introducing us to what they are and the vital role they play in our sanctification as believers.
In this series, we’re going to talk about why we need to practice them and share practical biblical ways how we as followers of Jesus Christ can pursue Christlikeness through these means of grace.
The means of grace or spiritual disciplines (Bible intake, prayer, and fellowship the three main areas and we’ll work through each of them more each episode) are ways the Holy Spirit conforms us more and more into the image of Christ.
I have two primary resources in addition to scripture that I'm utilizing in this series, and they are Donald Whitney's book called, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life and Habits of Grace: Enjoying Jesus through the Spiritual Disciplines by David Mathis. I encourage you if you want to dig a bit deeper to grab a copy of both or one of these as we work through them together.
Spiritual Disciplines we hope to cover in this series: Bible reading, Bible Study, Meditation, Prayer, Fasting, Evangelism, Journaling, Fellowship and Service.
Show Notes:
Romans 8:28
1 John 3:2
1 Peter 1:16
1 Timothy 4:7-8
John 14:6
Acts 2:42
Romans 8:29
Philippians 1:6
Philippians 3:8
John 17:3
Colossians 1:9-11
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney
Habits of Grace: Enjoying Jesus through the Spiritual Disciplines by David Mathis
Simplify Your Spiritual Life: Spiritual Disciplines for the Overwhelmed by Donald Whitney
The Disciplines of the Christian Life by Eric Liddell
Holy Helps for a Godly Life by Richard Rogers
Podcast EP 6: What Does Self-Discipline Look Like in Our Homes @Thankful Homemaker
The Center for Biblical Spirituality- Donald Whitney's Website (tons of helpful resources to dig into)
What are the Spiritual Disciplines @Desiring God
What are the Spiritual Disciplines @Got Questions
Thankful Homemaker Facebook Group
Find the full show notes at the blog here - ThankfulHomemaker.com
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Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
EP 51: Our Mundane Moments Matter
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
How many times do we give thanks to the Lord for the ministry He has given us at home. Are we thankful for the mundane everyday moments or are we are only thankful when we think we are doing “great” things for the Lord?
We live in God's home. He owns it. He has gifted it to us and given us the job of stewardship over it. He's put us in charge, and we are responsible to Him.
As believers, it should make us work harder, and we shouldn't desire to escape from work or difficult situations because we know they are all with a purpose and we also know we are equipped to meet these situations in Christ.
Mundane tasks are what make up most of our days. Everything matters —all of life is sacred. Once we’re in Christ there is no separation of secular or sacred. Every moment is a holy moment that God has ordained.
Do we think biblically about our time and what we see as these seemingly mundane tasks? We don’t see many photos on social media of people folding laundry or washing dishes—there’s no special medals or awards for these tasks. This is where we need to continually ask the Lord to gives us a mindset of remembering that the mundane matters. It's in these moments that He is growing us in holiness.
Show Notes:
Marriage Series at Thankful Homemaker
G3 Conference
Cultivating a Heart for Missions in Your Family
Titus 2:3-5
Colossians 3:23
Colossians 3:17
1 Corinthians 10:31
Romans 12:1-2
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Susie: The Life and Legacy of Susannah Spurgeon, Wife of Charles H. Spurgeon by Ray Rhodes Jr.
Glimpses of Grace: Treasuring the Gospel in Your Home by Gloria Furman
Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands by Paul Tripp
Feminine Appeal: Seven Virtues of a Godly Wife and Mother by Carolyn Mahaney
Thankful Homemaker Facebook Group
Find the full show notes at the blog here - ThankfulHomemaker.com
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Friday Dec 21, 2018
Encore Episode: Serving with a Mary Heart in a Martha Season
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Friday Dec 21, 2018
I'm re-sharing a previous episode I need to re-listen to this time of year. I'm praying it will be an encouragement to you today.
We are already nearing Christmas Eve and plans that I had to bake or buy or clean haven’t all been finished. There are gifts I wanted to purchase or send that didn’t happen. There are cookies I wanted to bake that I didn’t get too and areas I wanted to tidy at home that I didn’t even get close to doing. But I want to share with you today reminders that I’m talking to myself about what I am choosing. I’m hoping to help us keep our focus on the main thing this Christmas season.
You can read the full podcast here, but my hope is you will sit with me for just a few minutes of your day and listen in to the podcast and let me pour into you a bit.
Christmas Posts:
Podcast EP 50: Lessons from the Life of Mary
Christ-Focused Gift Guide for the Whole Family
Christmas Love, 1 Corinthians Style
Podcast EP 9: Christ-Focused Christmas Celebration Ideas
Thoughts to Ponder as You Celebrate Christmas
Find the full show notes at the blog here - ThankfulHomemaker.com
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Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
EP 50: Lessons from the Life of Mary
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Every Christmas season I look forward to reading the account of the birth of Christ in Luke together as a family on Christmas morning. I'm amazed at Mary's faith. What must have gone through her mind when Gabriel approached her? How did she process the news that she and Joseph were to raise the Son of God? What depths of sorrow did she endure while watching her Son die a horrific death on a cross? There are many lessons we can learn from Mary’s life, but I want to share just ten today.
Show Notes:
1. Mary knew God's Word. (Luke 1:54-55)
2. Mary was filled with the Spirit. (Luke 1:35)
3. Mary said "yes" to God's plan for her life. (Luke 1:38)
4. Mary was quiet before the Lord and meditated on all He had done in her life. (Luke 2:19, Luke 2:51)
5. Mary turned to Jesus for help when she had a problem to be solved. (John 2:3-5)
6. Mary was a woman of worship.(Luke 1:46-47)
7. Mary trusted in the Lord and waited on the His timing. (Matthew 1:19-20)
8. Mary was a chosen vessel of the Lord. (Luke 1:30-31)
9. Mary was a faithful servant. (John 19:25)
10. Mary knew Jesus was dying on the cross for her sins. (Luke 2:34-35)
Scripture & Resources:
Luke 2:19
Matthew 7:21
Romans 8:9-10
John MacArthur Study Bible
Mary of Nazareth@Revive Our Hearts
Twelve Extraordinary Women by John MacArthur
My Soul Magnifies the Lord: Meditations on the Meaning of Christmas by Martyn Lloyd-Jones
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Related Posts:
10 Lessons from the Life of Mary
Christmas Love, 1 Corinthians 13 Style
Podcast EP 9: Christ-Focused Christmas Celebration Ideas
Our Simple Family Christmas Traditions
Thoughts to Ponder as You Celebrate Christmas
How to Avoid the Comparison Trap this Christmas Season
Podcast EP 11: Serving with a Mary Heart in a Martha Season
Find the full show notes at the blog here - ThankfulHomemaker.com
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Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
EP 49: The Benefits of Abiding in Christ
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Many times in my walk as a believer I have heard and read the term "abide in Christ" and didn't have a full understanding of what that meant. I know abide means to remain in, and I pictured it as a state of resting in Christ. Studying through John 15 has been a help to me in grasping fully what our Lord meant as he walked and talked with His disciples on the way to the Garden of Gethsemane.
Picture this; our Lord had just left the Upper Room in John 13 & 14 where He and the disciples shared a Passover meal together. During their time together in the Upper Room Jesus washed the disciple's feet and He dismissed Judas who would betray him (John 13). Now in John 15, they are headed in the darkness of the night to the Garden of Gethsemane.
Jesus's timing in giving this teaching to his disciples was needed as they were going to face hard times ahead and this lesson is relevant to us today as we meet difficult days. So let's learn together what it looks like to abide in Christ, be a real disciple and bear fruit for our Lord. I'm working through John 15:1-11 today.
Scripture & Resources:
John 13
John 14
John 15:1-11
Galatians 5:22-23
Isaiah 53:3
1 Peter 1:8
Abiding in Christ: Becoming Like Christ through an Abiding Relationship with Him by Paul Chappell
John 15 Study Doorposts Blog
What Does it Mean to Abide in Christ?
Christmas Posts:
Christ-Focused Gift Guide for the Whole Family
Christmas Love, 1 Corinthians Style
Podcast EP 9: Christ-Focused Christmas Celebration Ideas
Thoughts to Ponder as You Celebrate Christmas
Podcast EP 11: Serving with a Mary Heart in a Martha Season
Find the full show notes at the blog here - ThankfulHomemaker.com
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Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Encore Episode: Celebrating a Christ-Focused Christmas
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
It’s not the gingerbread houses or cookies or special meals that will have the most impact on your family. It is the attitude of your heart. It is them seeing the Gospel lived out in your day to day life – even in the midst of busy seasons.
As the busy Christmas season is upon us we can find ourselves all wrapped up (literally wrapping too) in planning, cooking, cleaning, shopping, decorating, ministry activities and a multitude of other tasks that seem to come about during the Christmas season in addition to just the normal activities of life that we are dealing with.
I can lose focus and need to continue to pray to the Lord to remind me to have the heart of Mary and not get caught up with the attitude of Martha in all that needs to be done. I’m a very task focused person, and it’s how my mind works so I need to be intentional and prayerful to not miss the wonder of the Christmas season.
The Christmas season can be a time – a reminder to us to refocus - to again to think deeply about the realities of who Jesus is and what He has done for us.
Scripture & Resources:
Luke 1:28-29
Luke 2:19
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Philippians 2:14
Matthew 1
Luke 2
Isaiah 7
Isaiah 9
Micah 5
Matthew 25:40
Come Let Us Adore Him by Paul Tripp
Good News of Great Joy at Desiring God
Ever Thine Home
10 Questions to Ask at a Christmas Gathering
Jesus Unmasked by Todd Friel
Answers in Genesis Christmas Cards
14 Simple Outreach Ideas with an Eternal Focus
Remember When Tractat Living Waters
Treasuring God in Our Traditions by Noel Piper
ESV Giveaway Bibles
Related Resources:
Celebrating Advent: Looking Back and Looking Forward
10 Simple & Practical Hostess Gifts
Christ-Focused Gift Guide for the Whole Family
Christ-Focused Christmas Gift Guide 2017
Podcast Ep 11: Serving with a Mary Heart in a Martha Season
14 Simple Outreach Ideas with an Eternal Focus
Find the Show Notes for this episode at ThankfulHomemaker.com
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Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
EP 48: Cultivating Gentleness
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
Wednesday Nov 28, 2018
We live in a world where it can be quick to pass judgments instead of seeing the best in others. We can find ourselves expressing our opinions harshly when we differ from one another.
Watching debates between Christians online when there is a disagreement makes me cringe a bit when I see the responses towards one another not gentle and kind. Disagreement is inevitable, but there is a way as believers that God’s Word lays out for us what that should look like.
There is the reality of being hurt by the words of others and instead of taking the way of meekness, we take the route of defending our rights.
Bringing it closer to home, how are your responses to those you are closest? What does a gentle spirit look like in the context of your marriage or with your children?
Scriptures & References:
1 Peter 3:4
Matthew 5:5
Romans 8:28
Isaiah 41:17
Matthew 21:5
Matthew 11:29
Ephesians 4:29
Philippians 4:5
1 Peter 3:15
James 1:5
James 3:17
Cultivating a Gentle Spirit @Thankful Homemaker
What Does it Mean to Be Poor in Spirit? @Got Questions
Studies in the Sermon on the Mount by D. Martin Lloyd Jones
For the complete Show Notes head to ThankfulHomemaker.com
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Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Encore Episode: Putting on an Attitude of Love in Our Homes
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
Wednesday Nov 21, 2018
How can we as believers "put on" an attitude of love in our homes? What does it look like to "put off" sinful responses and attitudes and "put on" God-honoring attitudes? I'm hoping today to encourage you that as believers we can "put on" attitudes and behaviors that are God-honoring. If we are in Christ, He has equipped us to do so through His presence within us and through our intake of God's truth.
We're working through Ephesians 4:22-24 together today:
22 to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, 23 and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds,24 and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.
We have a new nature when we receive Christ and are born again – we become a totally different individual – we’re now a citizen of heaven
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation the old has gone the new has come.
~ 2 Corinthians 5:17
The apostle Paul reminds us throughout his epistles that we have a new nature. It affects our mind, heart, knowledge, wisdom, love, desires and every aspect of our being. According to God’s Word, we are new – transformed.
As believers, we now have a new nature. Our behavior is now able to match our new nature because Christ is in us. We are risen with Christ, and we should now behave in accordance with who we are.
Scripture & Resources:
Ephesians 4:22-24
Acts 7:58
Romans 3:12
1 Peter 2:1
Acts 12:21
Colossians 3:9-11
Philippians 2:12
2 Corinthians 5:17
Ephesians 4:1
Philippians 4:8
Galatians 5:22-23
Ephesians 5:2
1 Timothy 4:7-8
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
1 John 5:3
Martha Peace's "Put On, Put Off" Study
The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul
The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace
Putting on an Attitude of Love in Your Home
Podcast Ep. 15: Prioritizing God's Word When Life is Busy
For the full Show Notes visit ThankfulHomemaker.com
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Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Encore Episode: Taming Our Tongues
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
On this podcast episode of Thankful Homemaker, we're talking about how our tongues can get us into so much trouble. We tend to have many words. Many times we're not careful with our words and say things that are slanderous, or gossip or sadly at times even malicious. This should not be for women who love the Lord and are loved and known by Him. Let's encourage each other today to speak words that glorify and honor the Lord.
Scripture References & Other Resources Mentioned:
Colossians 4:6
Proverbs 141:3
James 3:2
James 3:8
James 3:9-10
Ephesians 4:31
Matthew 18:15
Galatians 6:1
Ephesians 4:32
Proverbs 10:19
Proverbs 31:26
Ephesians 4:29
Matthew 12:34
Colossians 3:15-17
James Online Bible Study by Jen Wilkin
For the full Show Notes visit ThankfulHomemaker.com
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Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Episode 47: Simple Ideas for a Christ Centered Thanksgiving
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
I know as women we can get caught in our to-do lists and forget to give thanks in and through all things – even in the gift of preparing to serve others with the hope of pointing them to the One who we truly have all things to be thankful for!
give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
~ 1 Thessalonians 5:18
My hope today is to simplify your holiday planning a bit.
So you’re getting this two weeks before Thanksgiving with the hopes it will be a help with maybe getting a bit more organized than you have in past years and also starting to think about how you can focus your day on the Lord.
I want you to be able to keep your family's and your focus on Christ and not get caught up in all the things on your seemingly long to do list. Thanksgiving should be a time of feasting on the abundant grace of God.
I'm sharing below my simple planning for one of my favorite family traditions to celebrate together along with some bits of help at the end to keep the focus of the meal on Christ and Who we are truly giving thanks to. My hope always is to spark ideas in ways you can make much of Christ during your time together.
“Take a little time to make ordinary things extraordinary.”
~ Emilie Barnes
For Complete Show Notes visit ThankfulHomemaker.com
Scripture & Resources:
Colossians 3:15
Psalm 100
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Simple Planning Guide for a Stress-Free and Christ-Focused Thanksgiving Dinner-@Thankful Homemaker
Our Simple Thanksgiving Traditions- @Thankful Homemaker
Weekend Coffee Break {Thanksgiving Edition}- Some helpful links & resources - @Thankful Homemaker
Chocolate Pie Recipe- in this post
Pioneer Woman's Mashed Potatoes
For Other Recipes Mentioned check out this post.
Getting Ready for Company Fast- @Thankful Homemaker
Podcast Episode 7: Getting Ready for Company Fast
Valley of Vision Prayer
History of Thanksgiving- @Got Questions
Conversation Starters
Ever Thine Home - What are you thankful for? Printable
The Valley of Vision: Book of Puritan Prayers by Arthur Bennett
Thanksgiving: A Time to Remember by Barbara Rainey
Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving by Eric Metaxas
Choosing Gratitude: Your Journey to Joy by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Revive Our Hearts 30 Day Gratitude Challenge
Thanksgiving Pinterest Board - many more ideas, recipes, and coloring sheet links for kids
Thankfulness to God is a recognition that God in His goodness and faithfulness has provided for us and cared for us, both physically and spiritually. It is a recognition that we are totally dependent upon Him; that all that we are and have comes from God.
~ Jerry Bridges
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Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Encore Episode: What Does Self-Discipline Look Like in Our Homes?
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Self Discipline is essential to spiritual growth and it is useful in our lives in so many ways. Living lives that are disciplined means saying, “yes” to God in every area of our lives.
Jesus is our ultimate example of what it looks like to live a disciplined life. He chose both dependence and obedience to His Father. As Christians, we too are called to dependence and obedience to our Father.
Self-discipline is primary to our spiritual growth. In 1 Timothy 4:7 We are called to discipline ourselves for the purpose of godliness. It means to exercise control over one’s self. It’s the ability to keep ourselves under control.
My Practical List:
Spend time with the Lord daily
Take care of the tasks that are most difficult early in the day.
Make sure you finish what you start.
Take the time to get organized - one room at a time.
Learn to deny yourself.
Scripture References & Other Resources Mentioned:
1 Timothy 4:7
Galatians 5:22-23
John 15
1 Peter 1:13
Ephesians 4:14
1 Corinthians 7:22
Matthew 6:24
Matthew 11:30
Romans 6:22
Ephesians 2:8-10
Ephesians 5:15-16
Ecclesiastes 3
1 Corinthians 10:31
Discipline: The Glad Surrender by Elisabeth Elliot
Find all the Show Notes & Resources mentioned at ThankfulHomemaker.com
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Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Encore Episode: Is Your Smartphone Changing You?
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
On today’s Encore Episode, we’re going to talk about our cell phone use and discuss whether we master our cell phones or do they master us. This podcast was on my mind because of two recent posts at Tim Challies blog on the use of our phones. I recently read the book, 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing Youby Tony Reinke and it was a challenging read.
I’m going to share with you some of what I took from that book to get us started, some thoughts on Tim Challies posting about him going back to a “dumb phone” and as we close today some questions for us to ponder from a quiz Tim Challies posted online called Are You Addicted to Your Phone? At the close, I share some ways I desire to make changes with the use of my phone in my life.
"We check our smartphones about 81,500 times each year, or once every 4.3 minutes of our waking lives."
~ Tony Reinke
I'm working on a series on marriage for the podcast in the future, and I hope to get my husband on the podcast with me so we can do a few together.I’d love you all to “meet” him. I love listening to him and learning from him. The Lord has given him much wisdom and truly being around him makes me want to be more like Jesus, so I’m thankful to get to have him share here with you all.
Scripture & Resources:
2 Corinthians 3:18
12 Ways Your Phone is Changing Youby Tony Reinke
Are You Addicted to Your Phone? (Take a Quiz to Find Out)- @Challies
I Want to Buy Your Cheapest Phone- @Challies
12 Steps to Living Smartphone Smart- @Tony Reinke at Lifeway
Don't Waste Your Mornings- @Thankful Homemaker
Podcast Ep. 6: What Does Self-Discipline Look Like in Our Homes
More Resources from Tony Reinke:
12 Tips for Parenting in the Digital Age- @Desiring God
Why We Should Escape Social Media (And Why We Don't)- @Desiring God
Know When to Walk Away (A Twelve-Step Digital Detox)- @Desiring God
Going Deep on Our Smartphone and Social Media Habits- @Desiring God
For the Full Show Notes and Resources visit ThankfulHomemaker.com
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