Thankful Homemaker provides truth-filled, gospel-driven encouragement to homemakers who, amid their ordinary days, desire to honor and glorify God in all things.
Our contentment in our homemaking begins with finding our satisfaction in Christ.
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
EP 65 Our Motives Matter: Why We Do What We Do
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Have you ever been kind to someone outwardly, all the while you were harboring bitterness or anger towards them on the inside? What about thinking the best of others? I fight a critical spirit, and it's an area I continually pray for the Lord to work in my heart to not judge the motives of others.
God's work of sanctification comes about by continuing to change us more into the image of Christ. Our motives need to be brought into obedience to God's Word if we desire to see real change in our lives. As we take this time to spend in the Sermon on the Mount and in 1 Corinthians 13 my hope is it will get us pondering and asking the Lord to search our hearts and more specifically our heart motives on why we do what we do and how we judge the motives of others
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Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
EP 64: What is the Best Use of My Time?
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
How do we determine what is the best use of our time? We know amid the mundaneness of our days, the work the Lord has given us in our homes matters for eternity. God has a purpose in all things. There is no secular work in Christ; all is sacred.
As homemakers, we desire to be productive and accomplish much in the time we’re given. It feels good when we check those tasks off our to-do lists and then the reality hits that most of them are back on it again tomorrow. It’s hard sometimes to determine how to prioritize our days and feel like we are getting things done.
How do we determine what to do next? I’ve quoted Elisabeth Elliot’s words to you often of “Do the Next Thing,” but what is the next best thing to do? How do we determine we are using our time wisely?
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Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
EP 63 Fruitful Living in the Empty Nest Years
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
Tuesday Aug 13, 2019
What does it look like to live a fruitful life in the empty nest years? What do I do now? What does my day to day life look like? Am I needed anymore? These are questions that raced through my mind as the empty nest season approached and was quickly upon me.
I don't have all the answers, but I desire to share some thoughts with you on lessons the Lord has taught me and what He continues to teach me in this season that I've grown to cherish much more than I initially thought I would.
Do you desire to flourish in your empty nest years? What about my younger readers? Please don't pass this one up because it will hopefully give you something to think about and to encourage you as you interact with the older women in your life.
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Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
EP 62: Gleanings from the Life of Susie Spurgeon
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Most of us have been impacted by the writings of Charles Spurgeon, whether it’s through books, his sermons or even the many quotes we come across as we scroll through our social media feeds. Susannah Spurgeon is probably not as familiar to us except for the knowledge that we know she was married to Charles.
My first introduction to Susannah’s writings was in a favored devotional of mine called Seasons of the Heart. Susannah’s writings are appealing as Ray Rhodes Jr. explained so beautifully:
“for she brings her readers into her thoughts of her heart, as if she has poured a cup of tea for her guests, invited them to draw near to the fire, and engaged them in conversation. She respected her readers, treating them as friends.”
Reading Susie: The Life and Legacy of Susannah Spurgeon, wife of Charles H. Spurgeon, has made me feel as if I just got to spend time with a dear friend and I didn’t want our time to come to an end. It is a well written, complete biography filled with historical records, personal writings from the Spurgeon’s and wonderful testimonies from family and friends.
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Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
EP 61: Fasting: Hungering for God (Spiritual Disciplines Series)
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Fasting is a way to show the Lord we enjoy Him more than His gifts. It turns our focus on Jesus because we know He is the only one who can satisfy our spiritual hunger. We desire to be filled with the Lord.
You can find all podcasts on the Spiritual Disciplines in this series here. The two books I'm utilizing the most for the series are Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life and Habits of Grace.
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Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
EP 60: Gently Correcting Our Children
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
Tuesday Jun 25, 2019
We are called in Ephesians 4:29 to respond with words that give grace, encourage, and build up. This includes those hard moments when our kids are sinfully disobedient. If my motives to correct are focused on my pride or being inconvenienced, then it's not going to come out in a way that is going to be in the spirit of Ephesians 4:29.
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Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
EP 59: Evangelism (Spiritual Disciplines Series)
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
Tuesday Jun 11, 2019
What is evangelism? The dictionary definition defines it as the spreading of the Christian gospel by public preaching or personal witness.
So evangelism is the announcement, proclamation, and preaching of the gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4), which is the good news of and about Jesus Christ. It is a verbal message.
As Christians, we are all called to be God’s mouthpieces. Along with being salt and light to a lost world, we are called to open our mouths and share the good news—the best news we could ever share.
Donald Whitney defines evangelism:
"It is clearly presenting Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit to sinful people with the hope that they may see their sinfulness against a holy God and repent and put their faith and trust in Christ alone for salvation."
You can find all podcasts on the Spiritual Disciplines in this series here. The two books I'm utilizing the most for the series are Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life and Habits of Grace.
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Monday May 27, 2019
EP 58: A Letter to My Younger Self
Monday May 27, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
As I am now over half a century old, I wanted to share some of the thoughts that go through my mind as I look back over the years of my marriage and raising our family. There are so many good memories and things I wouldn't change, but there are many things I wish I would have grasped at a younger age.
If I could go back here are some of the most important things I would like to tell my younger self:
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Tuesday May 14, 2019
EP 57: Spiritual Journaling (Spiritual Disciplines Series)
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Tuesday May 14, 2019
Spiritual journaling is a way to slow our lives down and ponder deeply over the events of the day. In my life journaling has helped me to grow spiritually by discerning my thoughts and motives. It has shown me areas where I need to give thanks and praise to the Lord. My journaling time has reminded me of situations or people I need to be in prayer for.
Journaling is an excellent time for me to see areas of weakness and set spiritual goals and not always just spiritual but other areas of my life that need some help too. Maybe I need to be better disciplined in my internet habits, or my homekeeping or some of my relationships may need time and attention. This is a good time to evaluate all areas of my life.
God’s Word doesn’t specifically talk about journaling it is a spiritual discipline that many saints over the years have benefitted from and I think of how we have profited by the journals of the saints of the past. I think of the journals like the diary of David Brainerd by Jonathan Edwards, or George Mueller’s autobiography or Jim Elliot’s journal put together by Elisabeth Elliot. These are treasures we have of how the Lord worked in and through their lives.
You can find all podcasts on the Spiritual Disciplines in this series here. The two books I'm utilizing the most for the series are Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life and Habits of Grace.
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Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
EP 56: Prayer (Spiritual Disciplines Series)
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Tuesday Apr 23, 2019
Prayer is simply talking to God. As believers, we have access to God the Father through our relationship with Jesus Christ. Prayer reminds us we are dependent on God for every aspect of our lives and we grow in that relationship by communing with Him in prayer. Donald Whitney reminds us in regards to the spiritual disciplines that prayer is second only to Bible intake in the order of importance.
Prayer is not demanding but we are coming before the Lord with open hands to what He knows is best for us.
You can find all podcasts on the Spiritual Disciplines in this series here. The two books I'm utilizing the most for the series are Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life and Habits of Grace.
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Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
EP 55: Bible Study (Spiritual Disciplines Series)
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
We're continuing in a series on the Spiritual Disciplines and today's episode is on Bible Study. We're going to talk about the benefits, explain some basic Bible study methods, share some resources to help you get started digging into the Word.
Jerry Bridges says in regard to God’s Word - "Reading gives us breadth, but study gives us depth."
*I stated in the podcast the next episode in the Spiritual Disciplines series will be on prayer, and it will be up on Tuesday, April 23rd instead of April 22nd.
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Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
We all want to grow in our walk as Christians. We've talked about how often we read God’s Word close the book and forget what we’ve read. We can blame our memories or our intelligence or our age, but the reality is it has more to do with our method than our abilities. Today's podcast episode is going to address areas that are important to our growth as believers: Meditation on God's Word and Scripture Memory.
God desires us all to grow in the grace and knowledge of His Word, so we are all capable and equipped as believers by the work of Spirit of God in us.
We talked in our last episode on bible reading that we need to read the Word and hear the Word preached but just doing those two things doesn't always guarantee we will remember or be able to apply what we read. So then we briefly touched on meditating on the Word because this is where growth starts to come about.
Donald Whitney described it as:
“While hearing and reading plant the seed of Scripture into the soil of our souls, other disciplines are the water and sun God uses to bring the growth and fruit of Christlikeness in our lives.”
When we talk about meditation, please don’t get the image of a yoga class or some other kind of New Age practice. What the world describes as meditation is not what Christian meditation is. Again we are not emptying our minds, but in Christian meditation, we are filling our mind with God and His truth.
Donald Whitney gives us a good definition:
"Let’s define meditation as deep thinking on the truths and spiritual realities revealed in Scripture, or upon life from a scriptural perspective, for the purposes of understanding, application, and prayer."
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